eCommerce Websites

Magento GO > Magento Community

With the announcement posted in July of 2014 from Magento to terminate their popular eCommerce Solution known as 'GO' & that everyone had to migrate to another eCommerce solution by February 1st, 2015 we began a race against the clock! We worked with to begin moving everything from their GO platform to Magento Community Edition, which is Magneto's 'free' solution in which you host it on your own.

While keeping the old site up for as long as needed, we had installed & setup the main settings of the new site on our web servers. We installed their new SSL Certificate for secure transactions, and setup all their payment methods & shipping options. We then started the migration of the website's look & feel into the new site. We also migrated over 500 products with the descriptions and product options; as well as their customers! We also moved over custom content pages containing information about the company & health benefits of their products.

In little over 2 months, we had successfully moved 100% of the website over & on launch day, flipped the switch seamlessly. The only people that realized that the site had been changed were the employees involved.

-July 2024+


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