Computer Cleaning

Computer Cleaning

Imagine living in an environment where the temperature is between 90 to 100 degrees all the time. Imagine that the only “air conditioning” to speak of is the form of a small fan in a window. It would be all you could do to stay cool enough to function, let alone be productive. Now, Imagine what it would be like to have to put on a piece of clothing every day – without ever being able to take anything off. It wouldn’t be too long before things became uncomfortable. Eventually it would become too warm for you to even function, or worse it would become too warm to even survive.

As a computer gets warmer, the computer loses its ability to function well and becomes less productive. When you get too hot, you sweat, slow down and eventually pass out – in other words, it quits functioning. Why would your computer be any different? You’ll see evidence of your computer heating up and losing performance in the form of random error messages, lock-ups, crashes, or in the worst-case scenario – “pass out” – in other words: component failure.

Cleaning a computer will not guarantee that it will never fail, but it makes it much less likely. Computer Team, Inc. recommends that home users have their computers cleaned once every year. If your PC is kept in particularly harsh conditions (dusty, moist, or exposed) it may need cleaned multiple times.

This computer is on the brink of component failure

If the component that fails is the hard drive (hard disk) you can lose all of the information – data, and programs – that is stored on it. If it is important data that must be recovered, it can cost thousands of dollars to send the drive to a company that specializes in data recovery. Even if it isn’t your hard drive that fails, the cost of replacing/repairing the damaged components is far more than the cost of simple preventative maintenance.